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Writer's pictureBP Gregory

Ben Walker reviews Vu Ja De ... "equally creepy, weird and fascinating."

Ben Walker, reviewer and horror icon, reviews Vu Ja De

A scorned lover delves beneath the earth one final time.

A war criminal waiting out his old age in an apartment.

Three corporate citizens become lost in the woods and they are so terribly hungry.

Enjoy BP Gregory’s latest horror, sci fi and urban fantasy stories gathered together as part of Vu Ja De.

"Featuring five stories and their cover art, BP Gregory’s third volume of collected shorts definitely delivers on the title’s suggestion that these aren’t typical experiences.

The first story is Babes Down Boreholes, which splits its time between a person trapped by a cave-in and their recollections from before disaster struck. It’s a putting the pieces together kind of tale, and that threw me out a bit at first, until they all started to fit. Despite its weird rhythm it ticks along at an entertaining pace, with some bizarre imagery and occasional creepy moments. Imagine Stephen King’s Survivor Type seen through a warped lens.

The next offering – Abstract – puts you into the head of a contract killer as he ponders his life and his current target ..."

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