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It's Beginning To Smell a Lot Like Santa

Writer's picture: BP GregoryBP Gregory

I've got a natty guest blog coming up with Kendall Reviews on my favourite reads of 2017 (because now is the time for hedonist lists), but wanted to drop a quick note to wish all of my subscribers and readers well over the holiday period.

Going into the new year can feel pretty hectic: what with all of 2017 piling up behind, the brakes on fire and everybody's screaming, always screaming. I hope you manage to make yourself a safe, calm little nook to shake the ringing out of your ears (with or without a good book). I hope you find time to do those self-care things that recharge your creative batteries and help you feel brave enough to get back up soon, confront 2018 head on, and really kick its stupid ass.

Thankyou for all your support, and for sharing your own books and great reading recommendations through the year. See you in 2018!

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